Database Transaction
- User view: logical unit of work
- System view: program unit that read/write certain data item
Properties of a Transaction
- Atomicity: all or nothing
- Consistency: move from consistent state to another consistent state
- Isolation: should not be interfered by other transaction
- Durability: effect of completed transaction should be durable & public
Transaction State
- Active: initial state, stays while executing
- Partially Committed: the final statement has been executed
- Failed: normal execution can no longer proceed
- Aborted: rolled back, database restored to state before start tx.
- Committed: after successful completion
- Sequences of instructions that indicate chronological order of execution
- Simplified view of transaction => ignore other than read & write
- must consist of all instructions of those transactions
- must preserve the order in which the instructions appear in each individual transaction
Serial Schedule
- Each transaction does not interleave other transactions
- No concurrency
Serializable Schedule
Equivalent to some serial schedule
Equivalent Schedule
두 schedule은 모든 possible db instance에 대하여 실행 후 state가 같으면 equivalent하다
Conflict Serializability
- 같은 item에 access하는 두 instruction이 conflict하는 것은 둘 중 적어도 하나가 write일 때
- 즉, 두 instruction간 순서가 바뀌면 실행 결과가 달라지면 conflict
- Conflict Equivalent: non-conflicting instruction들 간 순서를 바꿔서 다른 schedule로 만들 수 있음
- Serial schedule에 conflict equivalent하면 conflict serializable
Precedence Graph
- Arc from earlier to later
- Cycle 없으면 conflict serializable
- Serializability order = topological sort
Recoverable Schedule
- RAW, then CAC
- schedule은 반드시 recoverable해야 한다
Cascading Rollback
한 transaction이 fail했을 때 다른 transaction rollback으로 이어지는 경우 그 transaction이 write한 데이터를 읽은 transaction은 모두 rollback됨
Cascadeless Schedule
다른 transaction이 쓴 data를 읽는 경우 그 transaction이 commit된 후에 읽으면 cascadeless
Q. Justify the following statement: Concurrent execution of transactions is …
- more important when data must be fetched from (slow) disk or when transactions are long
- less important when data are in memory and transactions are short
A. transaction이 오래 걸리면 그 동안 다른 일을 못하기 때문에 concurrent execution이 중요하고, 짧으면 금방 끝나고 다른 일을 할 수 있으므로 concurrency가 덜 중요하다.
Serial Schedule
Q. What are the values of A and B after the execution schedules 1 and 2? A=B=100, initially.
A. Schedule 1: A = 45, B = 135 ; Schedule 2: A = 40 ; B = 160
Q. The two schedules are both serializable but yield different results. Is this a discrepancy?
A. No. transaction order는 out of DBMS control
Cascadeless Schedule
Q. Show that every cascadeless schedule is also recoverable.
A. write 하기 전에 commit하므로 당연히 T_i가 먼저 commit한다. 즉 recoverable.