Project Management Life cycle
- Initiation - research
- Planning - scope, schedule, metric, risks
- Execution - status, progress, quality monitoring
- Closure - post analysis, documentation
PM: What to Manage
PM: How to Plan
- Define Scope
- Identify & define tasks from project requirements
- Decide Process
- Work Breakdown
- Create Schedule
- Estimate Cost
- Analyze Risk
Scheduling Steps
- Define Activities
- Sequence Activities
- Allocate Resources
- Staffing
- Logical / Task Dependency
- Staff Dependency
- Estimate Duration(Effort)
- consider everything: overhead, meetings, client issue, training, downtime, test planning, documentation, etc.
- Develop Schedule
Effort Estimation
- Analogous Estimation - actual duration of previous, similar activity
- Expert Judgement
- Use Case Points
- The number of milestone related to the accuracy of estimation
- Milestone overhead - checking process, start/end ceremony(i.e., demo)
Handling Schedule Problems
- Brooke’s Law
- Add manpower to the late project makes later
- Overhead > Effect
- Re-Scope
Bad Scheduling/Estimation
- Estimates are never updated
- Task with too long duration
- Too general task
- Nobody assigned to the task
- Week-based schedule
Iterative Time Boxing vs. Feature Boxing
- Fixed time or number of features to be done
- Time boxing: task metric / Feature boxing: schedule metric
- Risk: event or condition that can harm project
- Risk Exposure = Probability $\times$ Impact
Risk Management Strategies
- Avoidance: reorganize the plan
- Mitigation: reduce the probability or impact
- Probability: additional test
- Impact: add redundancy
- Transfer: move risk to 3rd party
- Acceptance
- Contingency Plan
Risk Assessment
- Probability(H/M/L) & Impact(H/M/L) are orthogonal
- Risk Level A ~ C
Quality Management
Good Quality Process
- Repeatable
- Well-defined
- Reliable
- Efficient
- Numbers to evaluate process
- Goal-Question-Metric(GQM)
- Goal: what should be improved
- Question: what details can we ask about the process
- Metric: what numbers can we put on the question
GQM Steps (Top-Down Approach)
- Select Goal: Quantitative & Measurable
- Ask Question: Tell more about the progress towards the goal
- Identify Measures / Metrics
- Improve the Process
Metrics to Consider (Example)
- Task Metric (TM): Actual Tasks / Estimated Tasks
- Schedule Metric (SM): Estimated Time / Actual Time
- Pair-Programming Hours Metric (PPHM): Estimated PP Hours / Actual PP Hours
- Load Factor(per iteration): Estimated Hours / Actual Hours